The Eyewitness

HD Video, 15 min, 2011

In The Eyewitness a group of children between 8 - 10 years spent time in a room where the artist had arranged a display of a selection of blown-up news footage from Reuters press image archive showing current political situations from around the world. The children were asked to reflect on the images, without getting any information about the background or the situation that the image was taken from. They were asked to simply react to what they saw. The discussions recorded by the artist were barely guided. The outcome is a blur of facts, acquired opinions and the children´s own ideas heard as a voice-over in the video. In slow pan shots details and closeups of the images are scanned and a child´s hand or leg occasionally crosses the image.

11_Eyewitness Kopie from Anna Witt on Vimeo.

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